Best SoundCloud Banner Size & Profile Dimensions

Soundcloud Banner Size & Best Practices

Having the right Soundcloud banner size and the right visuals that represent you as an artist can make or break your profile. You want to leave a good impression on listeners visiting your Soundcloud page. Before users even click the play button, the first thing they will see is your Soundcloud banner and profile photo.

Soundcloud has taken artists from their bedrooms to tours across the world. It’s crazy to think that a simple SoundCloud profile like yours can be seen by thousands or even millions of people.

I’ve looked through some of the biggest and bests SoundCloud profiles across the platform to give you the ideal SoundCloud banner size and best practices so that you can attract more listeners to your profile. [continue reading…]

How to Improve SEO With Visual Content Overnight

improve visual seo blog post

I firmly believe that both content and copy should be written with the intention of being read by people first, and Google second. It won’t matter if you show up first in the search engines if you can’t connect with your target audience.

That being said, it also doesn’t matter much if you produce great content and your target audience can’t find you.

There’s no question that search engine optimization (SEO) is a necessity for every business who wants to build an online presence (which should be all businesses). There are some aspects of SEO that can be complicated, like creating site maps, but there are other tactics that are easily used even by those without in-depth technological knowledge.

In this post, you’ll learn how to improve your SEO through visual content with these easy-to-implement strategies that are accessible to all businesses, no coding required. [continue reading…]

How to Turn Blog Posts into Social Media Content for Your Business

social media blog posts

Content marketing and social media marketing are two very different worlds, with different best practices and strategies. Despite this, there is some overlap, particularly when it comes to audience interest. This allows you to integrate your content and social media marketing in several different ways. One of them is turning blog posts into social media content.

In this post, you’ll learn why you should turn your blog posts into social media content, and how exactly you can do so. We’ll look at best practices along with several specific strategies to help you get more results across all marketing mediums. [continue reading…]

How to Increase Time on Site With Custom Graphics [Case Study]

How to increase time on site with custom graphics

A few months ago I was chatting with a well known growth hacker named Dmitry Dragilev from Criminally Prolific. He was telling me about some of the blog posts he was ranking for on the first page of Google.

I took a look at one of his posts and realized something…

His images sucked.

In fact, he barely had any.

Knowing that engaging images are key to increasing time on site and improving SEO, I made him a special proposal.

I offered to create custom graphics for one of his blog posts if he agreed to measure the impact and provide me with the stats. Without hesitation, he agreed.

Then, just one month after I added the custom graphics to his post, the average time on site for his email endings post increased by 46%. [continue reading…]

The Ultimate Guide to Newsletter Images

Email Newsletter Images

Everyone wants their newsletters to be opened, read and engaged with, by millions. Some people think this happens by creating a work of art within. This is incorrect, though, because in most instances people can’t see the inside of your email before they decide to open it.

So, if the artwork doesn’t help with opens, does it at least have an effect on engagement?

Well, it can make a big impression, but only if you do it properly. In this article we’ll discuss the best ways to use images in your emails, and hopefully the click-throughs will flow!

[continue reading…]

7 Free Ways to Increase Blog Traffic

7 free ways to increase blog traffic

If you Google any thought or question that pops into your head, it’s guaranteed that you’ll be met with a seemingly endless number of blog posts in your search results. This is the environment that we’re operating in; it’s oversaturated and filled with the white noise of not-actionable, inaccurate, and boring content. And somehow, we need to not only compete with the great content that’s already out there, but claw our way through the bad stuff, too.

That’s a pretty big task. And it explains why it takes even amazing businesses with great blogs a little while to get things going.

Unfortunately, having great content isn’t enough to generate traffic. We need to put just as much effort into finding readers as we do writing the actual posts. There’s a lot of ways to get more traffic to your site; some methods are more effective—and cost-efficient—than others. I recommend starting with these 7 free ways to increase blog traffic that work regardless of industry. [continue reading…]

How 2 Ordinary Guys Grew Their Instagram Following from 800 – 16K in 4 Months

Instagram following featured image

I know what many of you might be thinking as soon as you see the headline of this article. “Typical cliche success story about how two guys went from nothing to something overnight.” Am I right? Well, it’s not.

We are, actually just two ordinary guys that decided to learn the principles behind growing an Instagram account and we are here to share some of that knowledge with you.

[continue reading…]

An Easy Outreach Strategy That Generates Predictable Shares and Backlinks

Content outreach strategy

You just created an epic piece of content.

It’s 1,000+ words, well researched, and full of visuals. But after you hit the publish button, no one is sharing or linking to it!

Now, you know that in order to gain traction, you need to promote the content. But if you don’t have an email list or a large social media following, where do you even begin?

The answer is email outreach.

Email outreach is a great strategy for promoting your content because you don’t need to rely on a big email list and you don’t need to have serious influence in your space.

In this post, I’ll lay out the exact outreach strategy I used to rank a previous article #2 in Google for my target keyword. [continue reading…]

Resource Page Link Building: The Definitive Guide

Resource page link building

Link building is hard. There’s no way to sugar coat it.

But if there’s one SEO strategy that generates a higher chance of success than all others, it’s resource page link building.

Unlike other methods of link building, resource pages are easy to find and page owners want to link out to you. After all, what good is a resource page without any links?

Assuming your content is high quality, you’re actually doing them a favour by providing your resource.

In this post, I’m going to walk you through step by step on how to build high quality backlinks from resource pages. [continue reading…]

How To Get Featured On Podcasts: The Ultimate Guide

How to get featured on podcasts

Podcasts are a great way to get exposure for both your product and your brand. I like them specifically because you’re given the green light to be promotional and talk about yourself and your products.

Additionally, podcasts specifically don’t require any writing – simply showing up and being yourself for 30-60 minutes, which anyone can do.

For example, I’ve been featured on Entrepreneur on FireNiche Hacks, & The Email Marketing Podcast.

And believe it or not, they convert relatively well.

I have people reach out to me all the time having heard me on a podcast. People really begin to relate to you when they spend 30 minutes listening to you talk – it builds trust. [continue reading…]