Upload an image or choose from over 5,000,000+ free hi-res photos, select what you want to keep, and you’re done.
*Free. No credit card required.
Upload a photo or image of any file type, even raw image files, and get to work.
And we have you covered if you don’t have your own original content. You have unlimited access to our library of 5,000,000+ hi-res photos and graphics. All of our images are free, usable for commercial purposes, and totally not cheesy.
Hover over the image you want to crop, click the crop bottom, and select the part of the image you want to keep — that’s it.
Cropping images in Snappa is as easy as it is on your favorite social media platform. No menus within menus or boring tutorials required
Is the typical crop a little too... square (sorry) for the project you have in mind?
You’ll love our circle image cropper tool. Click the crop button, select the circle in the bottom left corner, and wrap a perfect circle around everything you want to keep. Easy.
It’s rare for a background image to be 💯 after a quick crop. Behind most Instagram-worthy images is a powerful message and an orchestra of filters.
Once you’ve cropped your image, you can add text and mess with color overlays, darkening, blur, saturation, hue, brightness, and contrast until your graphic achieves the mood you’re after.
Snappa is the best tool I've used to create images for blog posts & Facebook ads. In 5 minutes I can do what used to take me hours to do or pay designers to do.
On the forever free plan, you can crop, edit, and download three images per month. The Pro ($10/month) or Team ($20/month) plans include UNLIMITED image downloads and social sharing.
Do we ever! You get access to 5,000,000+ high-res free use photos and graphics and 6,000+ professionally designed customizable templates. Of course, you can add and edit anything in our library to make it fit your vision.
Absolutely. Sleep easy knowing that our 5,000,000+ totally-not-cheesy stock photos are free use. From fun memes among friends to selling products and services on social media and everything in-between — you’re safe.
Yes, you can share your image to social media directly or through Buffer without ever leaving Snappa.
*Free. No credit card required.