13 Helpful Resources for Color Palette Inspiration

Color Palette Inspiration

When it comes to graphic design, color plays an important role. In fact, selecting a great color palette is one of several graphic design tips we advocate.

But if you’re not a designer, you might be a little low on design inspiration.

Not to worry…

In this post, we’ve curated a killer list of resources for color palette inspiration. From color palette generators to color palette ideas, now you’ll never run out of colors ever again.

Let’s dive in! [continue reading…]

The Proper YouTube Description Template & Tips to Get More Views

YouTube has content that’s been created from bursts of creativity alongside carefully calculated strategy. People come to watch videos meant to entertain them and educate them alike, and brands put an endless amount of effort into doing just that.

There’s a gap in YouTube marketing, however, that many marketers and businesses are missing, which is weakening their overall effort, and that’s their YouTube descriptions.

Even though the focus is geared towards the videos you’re creating on YouTube, the descriptions still matter a great deal and for several different reasons. In this post, we’re going to take a look at the best YouTube description template you should be using, how to alter it to fit your channel, and description tips to get more views.

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The Best Facebook Video Format: What You Need to Know

The Best Facebook Video Format

Your Facebook videos require a lot of creativity and a lot of time to make, especially once you start looking at creating multiple videos back to back. They’re easily worth it, as 71% of Facebook users increased their social video viewing in the last year, and 60% more are expected to do within the next. Native videos are also prioritized in the algorithm more than other content, and are given much higher reach than outbound links or potentially even text-only posts from your Page.

We’re enormous fans of Facebook video marketing here at Snappa, but we’ve always noticed that after all the work it takes to create a great Facebook video campaign, there’s one place that businesses often forget to pay attention. That’s the video ad format.

In this post, we’re going to take a close look at the best Facebook video format that you can use, why it matters, and how to get the best results from your videos every time. [continue reading…]

How to Choose the Best Squarespace Image Size for Your Site

sqaurespace image size

Squarespace has exceptional ease of use and zero learning curve, which is a huge advantage for non-techy business owners who want an affordable but reliable site that will help them sell well and that’s easy for them to use. It only makes sense that it would become so popular for eCommerce sites looking to quickly connect with their target audience.

Many of our clients use Squarespace for their sites, and they’ve recently been asking us about Squarespace image sizes and best practices to help them effectively sell their products and services.

You’ve asked, and we’ve answered! In this post, we’re going to take a close look at the best Squarespace image size for different types of product photos, along with some design tips to ensure that you’re maximizing the potential for conversions. [continue reading…]

Best Twitch Offline Banner Size for Your Stream

best twitch offline banner size

Having a professional Twitch channel page is essential for the success of your live stream. The main components of a strong streaming page include a nicely designed offline screen with the best Twitch offline banner size and a memorable Twitch cover photo.

The Twitch offline banner screen needs to be properly designed so that it gives your followers the necessary information to return and watch your stream.

A few things can be done to ensure that you have the best possible offline banner for your page. I’ve summarized everything you need to know in the article below and outlined some of my best tips and tricks when it comes to creating the perfect Twitch offline banner!

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The Perfect Etsy Banner Size & Best Practices

etsy banner size

Etsy is a popular site that entrepreneurs, crafters, artists, and artisans use to sell products that can range from everything including bath bombs to hand-carved chopsticks to diamond jewelry. Anyone with the talent to create valuable goods can get on Etsy and start selling their products directly to consumers, a little like an Amazon for hand-crafted goods.

While the goods themselves are an important part of your success on the platform, they aren’t the only factor that you need to consider. Most of the top-selling stores on Etsy have strong branding and marketing, helping their customers to remember them while establishing both credibility and momentum. Your Etsy banner is an important part of this.

In this post, we’re going to look at the best practices for how to tackle this important part of your store branding, including the perfect Etsy banner size and design techniques to help you stand out! [continue reading…]

50 Perfect Font Combinations to Kickstart Your Next Design

font combinations

When it comes to graphic design, fonts play an integral role. But if you’re not a designer, you might be asking yourself:

“What fonts actually go well together?”

Not to worry! In this post, we’ve laid out 50 perfect font combinations that you can use in your designs today. Of course, all fonts mentioned in this post are included in Snappa.

Now before we begin, let’s go over some quick terminology so you can better follow the different font combinations that we outline in this post. [continue reading…]

7 Infographic Examples You Can Use For Your Business

infographic examples

Infographics can take some extra time to create, but they’re well worth it.

Not only will they help you to diversify your content marketing, but they also have some powerful benefits that you can’t ignore. These include:

Too many businesses fail to use infographics because they don’t have a team of in-house designers or knowledge of how to create them. Fortunately, there are tools like Snappa that provide ready-made, fully customizable infographic templates that you can quickly use to create beautiful infographics to accomplish your marketing goals.

In this post, we’re going to take a look at seven different types of infographic examples available through Snappa and how to use them for your business. [continue reading…]

How to Make an Incredible YouTube Outro

youtube outro size

You start a YouTube channel so you can connect with a new audience and build more solid relationships with the customers you already have. You do everything right. Overtime, you start to see views increase, and your viewer retention rates are high.

This is all great, but you realize that you aren’t actually seeing a lot of results off platform. Your subscriber number isn’t increasing, there isn’t a lot of traffic to your site, and sales are unaffected. What gives?

In many cases, branded YouTube channels that have great content, a strong profile picture, the best video format, solid channel art are dropping the ball in one major way: their YouTube outros. In this post, we’re going to discuss what YouTube outros are, why they’re so important, and how to create one that will help you get the results you’re looking for. [continue reading…]

How to Create Amazing Podcast Cover Art

Podcast Cover Art Best Practices

Podcasts are a purely auditory experience, so it’s all about listening. Visuals have nothing to do with it, right?

While this may seem like the case, that’s actually really far from the truth. The cover art that users see, after all, is the first real experience that they have with your content. And long before they decide to listen, they’ll look at that artwork and it may even influence whether or not they stick around long enough to read the description of your podcast, let alone download it.

We all know this to be true. We eat with our eyes first, which is why restaurants strive to have Instagram-worthy dishes, even though the taste is what really matters most. Cover art for your podcast is no different, and it should be valued accordingly.

Also worth noting is that when users are browsing through different platforms featuring a large number of podcasts, they’re looking for something to catch your eye. If your cover art really doesn’t entice them, they’ll scroll right past.

In this post, we’re going to go over podcast cover art best practices and answer any questions you may have, in addition to showing you exactly how to create it even if you don’t have any design experience. [continue reading…]